Within the project, the concept for a Decision Support System (DSS) is currently worked out. Based on this concept, applications for the DSS will be implemented in the specific use cases. The Decision Support will relate to three different timescales:
- real-time DS: supporting operational processes, e.g. in cargo handling
- short-time DS: supporting process planning, e.g. scheduling of handling processes
- long-time DS: supporting strategical planning, e.g. investment into new resources
Within the PortForward Architecture, several sources will be used to derive decisions. Data and information will be sourced from IoT sensor environments for real-time data, from legacy systems as also from other services developed in PortForward (e.g. KPI catalogue).
Decision Support information will be integrated in the different front-ends, which are developed in PortForward. Context specific Decision Support will be visualized in virtual environments of the Virtual Twin and AR Assistance solution – general Decision Support will be integrated into the PortForward Dashboard.