On December 5, 2019, the Fraunhofer IFF organized an information and training event for the employees of the port of Magdeburg, ranging from dockhands, middle level management to top level management. The aim of the event was to raise awareness of the PortForward project among port employees, focusing specifically on the topics related to the use case in the port. Furthermore, the event aimed to foster and facilitate acceptance of the project solutions and to engage relevant stakeholders in the port.
The agenda of the event included a tour of the facilities of the Fraunhofer IFF and following parts and activities:
The Digital Port in the Elbedome
Use of virtual models for infrastructure planning;
Presentation of the virtual model of the Magdeburg Port;
Information on further industrial applications of virtual models.
The Internet of Things in the Port of Magdeburg
Presentation of various technologies for tracking and controlling logistics processes;
Explanation of the use of sensor and identification technologies in the “Port of Magdeburg” use case in the PortForward project;
Experiences from other industrial projects.
The control centre for the port of the future
Presentation of the use of the virtual port model for operational processes;
Examples of the use of virtual models for infrastructure planning and process control.
The event was successful in promoting the PortForward project and received very positive feedback from the participants. Below are some pictures of the event: