We’re proud to announce that PortForward will be presented at IN4PL 2021: 2nd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics.
Dr. Olaf Poenicke, PortForward project coordinator, has submitted a paper and will have a presentation in the Session Internet of Things and Services scheduled for October 27th, 2021.
The conference which takes place this year as an online streaming event focuses on research and development involving innovative methods, software and hardware, whereby intelligent systems are applied to industrial production and logistics.
The conference has three major parts:
1. Industry 4.0
2. Intelligent Manufacturing and Management
3. Logistics and Operations Research
Please visit the conference website under the link https://in4pl.scitevents.org/ to find more information about the conference.
The IN4PL 2021 detailed program can be viewed under the following link https://www.insticc.org/node/technicalProgram/IN4PL/2021.